
street bench bollard

Product Code : AB-U-01

Concrete is a versatile material which work great in soft approach solutions.

Numerous designers choose to use this hard material to combine strength with style.

Concrete can be moulded into many different shapes and textures. The finished product has an honest, raw look which suits city spaces such as parks, beaches or streets.

Juxtaposing the concrete with softer materials such as wood or metal gives the furniture an interesting edge.

But the concrete can also easily work as a stand alone. A streak of colour or a textured surface is sometimes all it takes for it to look outstanding.

[easy_media_download url=”https://www.designerbollards.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/A-soft-approach-to-hard-security-by-Australian-Bollards.pdf” text=”Download: Soft Approach to Hard Security Catalogue” target=”_blank” width=”500″]